

video-Keiki Fun Run (澄3y10)

第一次參加500m的馬拉松,  回家興奮地跟婆婆說:
"  婆婆, 我今日跑到好辛苦呀!
我好想放棄果時, 媽咪叫我要 "  努力呀! 你唔好放棄呀! "
咁我咪係咁跑... 係咁跑囉...
終於成功到咗終點, 攞咗個獎牌囉!"

的確, 連媽咪都跑到氣喘!

跑到一半小Bie想哭出來, 告訴媽咪很辛苦, 媽咪努力鼓勵, 不放棄就會成功嘞!...


終於, 到終點線了...



Keiki Fun Run

500 METERS - 7:45am start
Keiki Fun Run is for children ages 3-13 years old.
The cost is $15 and includes a tshirt and race medal.
Starting at 7am there will be fun activities including
Hawaii Speed & Quickness Drills, Balloon Animals, Keiki
Prints, Bounce House and Keiki Face Painting.

Additional Information

Keiki Fun Run! Let the kids challenge themselves in this
playful, athletic atmosphere. Kids will run a 500m course--participants
get a t-shirt and a medal. Stick around for more fun after with the
bounce house, balloon monsoon, face painting, and keiki prints!

1 則留言:

City 說...

小BIE拿著水杯來跑, 當然比人辛苦啦....去到中段小BIE真係跑到臉都青埋, 完成跑道確實另豬豬...
[版主回覆05/19/2011 18:00:00]haha... 係呀, 佢平日一d運動都唔做架, 又怕辛苦, 又怕曬, 又怕熱, 又怕跌... 今次真係算好勁嘞!
