49-560 Kamehameha Hwy. Kaneohe, HI 96744
Today we take a private tour through the Kualoa Rance animal exhibits. We go on a short hike to see a variety of domestic animals that we can pet and feed while learning all about them.
完成了8堂的Field Trip Friends了, 開學以後, 小Bie已經沒有太多時間每天跟媽咪出外玩, 不過, 這個親近大自然的戶外活動, 一定會是其中一個繼續參加的活動!
1 則留言:
好開心看到你的網綕,內𥚃有很多很有用的早教資料啊!有時間也來我仔仔的網「早教bb忞進成長坊」交個朋友啊 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/manchushop/
[版主回覆08/20/2009 16:36:00]很高興認識你!!!!