


從clinic回來, 身心都在受苦, 一直懷疑, 是不是真的在家「自行流產???!」就可以了? 這真的是美國人所謂的更好、更尊重生命的做法嗎? 想著想著...

到了晚上12:00am, 不行了, 肚子右邊痛到不行了, 不會是宮外孕吧?! 千萬不要啊!

馬上再入急症室, 插了喉, 做了各樣檢驗, 應該不會是宮外孕了, 要再到星期六比較血液的HCG...

最後, 打了孖啡, 肚子不痛了, 頭好暈好暈... 吐了幾次, 零晨4時多了吧?! 回家休息...


想到生命的脆弱... 想到了身邊疼愛自己的人...想到了可愛的小BIE...



8 則留言:

Razack 說...

Yes, I know it's 小小 b, I will pray for her, take care! We all love you!
[版主回覆02/21/2009 16:39:00]多謝晒你o地嘅支持呀! thz

ck2005ml 說...

It is very sad to hear your bad news.  I hope you can recover soon.  All of us support you.  If you feel upset, please chat with us.  You are the BRAVE Ma Ma. 
[版主回覆02/24/2009 18:53:00]ck, thanks for yr 關心呀~ 同呢度好多blog友真係成為好朋友咁呀! 我ok了,唔洗擔心我~

Ming yan 說...

A period of time didn't go to your blog....
Really sorry to learn the bad news. But pls don't give up. U need +oil.
Spport u !!
[版主回覆02/24/2009 18:50:00]我冇事了,只係呢排少了很多陪亞BIE... 順其自然啦... 多謝你的鼓勵!

carmen 說...

I'm very sorry to hear this news, one of my best friend just have a miscarriage this week too. Hope you can recover soon...don't give up.
[版主回覆02/24/2009 18:48:00]身體已經好好多了, 希望你朋友都OK啦,多謝晒你的關心~

Lemon 說...

I feel sorry to here this matter too.
Hope you can get well soon. Take Care !
[版主回覆02/25/2009 17:07:00]我已好好多了~ 大家不用擔心~

TAMMY 說...

I m so sad to hear that, you take care. In this moment, you dont think so much, you have take care your girl. Take more rest and sleep more.
Take care and add oil.
We all support you.
[版主回覆02/27/2009 17:48:00]多謝晒大家的關心~ 我們身心都沒事了~ 每天繼續跟小bie嘻哈生活~~

Barbara 說...

I am really sorry to hear that. You are so strong and recover quickly, I can see from your latest blog SUPPORT YOU~~~
[版主回覆02/28/2009 17:26:00]芭芭拉, 多謝晒你的關心~ 我們冇事了,已沒放在心上~~~ 唔開心嘅事唔洗成日掛住, 眼前仲有個開心果寶貝等住我錫呢~

judykmlau 說...

take care
[版主回覆03/31/2009 18:36:00]thank you~
