

出生第3天 (天3d)

1:30 探天天, he is doing very gd that dr give him 7cc of milk now. Mommy is doing gd as well , can walk freely without so much pain. Still taking pain medicine though. 

14:30 mommy successfully feed skye 10cc . Drink very fast n open eyes. Looking at mommy for few mins! Haha lovely boy!

 15:30 dad busy outside for preparing food n soup for mommy n arrange the rental car n apartment n stuffs... Will come see Skye soon!

17:00pm This is the second night i gave birth. The big nice dinner provided by hosipital is : 焗雞批!oh well! 中國人坐月有燉雞; 西方人製法不一樣了吧!反正味道不錯,haha...


17:30pm Feed skye 10cc . He is doing so gd n open wide of his lovely eyes eveytime when I visit him. Properbly reconized mommys voice!!

20:30 已經加至13cc milk to skye 其實他每次也像很餓的樣子的。可是早產兒就光是只可以給他這麼少少的份量。

仔仔:有把你餓壞了嗎?haha 爸爸原本今次要餵你,可是到來的時候你己飲完了兒科incharge dr 再三為你的強健而說恭喜, 令daddy很安慰和高興!

21:30 忙碌的daddy 就是無論何時何地都一樣的忙碌!頻撲了一整天又要走了。。。媽媽在整段留院的期間,有90%的時間像是孤軍作戰一樣,幸有你們精神上的支持!


