

Stanine 英文生字測試 (澄4y6天21m)

小BIE今天進行了第二次Stanine的英文生字測試, 比較如下:

3y9m時 (五月份回港暑假前)-結果 相等於2y8m的程度 = Stanine 2
4y6m時 (9個月努力不懈後) -  結果 相等於5y5m的程度  = Stanine 7

短短九個月之內, 大躍進連跳五級上到Stanine7, 通常約佔總數的12%小朋友, 母語為中文的小Bie和媽咪需要付出多倍努力才能達到的成績啊!
要大量提升非母語的生字量非易事, 小Bie的努力得到顯著的成果, 爸媽當然喜上眉梢

其餘測試給果: (PHELPS Kindergarten Readiness Scale)
Verbal Procession Domain: Stanine 6
Perceptual Processing Doman: Stanine 6
Auditory Processing Domain: Stanine 5

Stanine (STAndard NINE) is a method of scaling test scores on a nine-point standard scale with a mean of five and a standard deviation of two.

Some web sources attribute stanines to the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II.
Psychometric legend has it that a 0-9 scale was used because of the
compactness of recording the score as a single digit but Thorndike [1]
claims that by reducing scores to just nine values, stanines "reduce
the tendancy to try to interpret small score differences (p. 131)". The
earliest known use of Stanines was by the U.S. Army Air Forces in 1943.[citation needed]

Test scores are scaled to stanine scores using the following algorithm:

  1. Rank results from lowest to highest
  2. Give the lowest 4% a stanine of 1, the next 7% a stanine of 2, etc., according to the following table:

Calculating Stanines
Result Ranking4%7%12%17%20%17%12%7%4%
Standard scorebelow -1.75-1.75 to -1.25-1.25 to -.75-.75 to -.25-.25 to +.25+.25 to +.75+.75 to +1.25+1.25 to +1.75above +1.75

2 則留言:

Jeremy Chu Chun Yin 說...

大躍進!!!! 叻叻!!!!
[版主回覆01/13/2012 19:39:28]謝謝~~

我們仨加一 說...

[版主回覆01/13/2012 19:41:05]可以咁講啦, 不過做了很多違願之舉呢! :(
