This is the final mid-quarter before the last written report for Quarter 4. The purpose of this mid- quarter is to bring you up to date.
We are please that Sherbie is asked a question in large groups. She is beginning to respond in a clear voice. Progress is always a good thing.
We will continue to remind her to sit nicely in large groups and "look and listen" so that she is a more active, involved participant. Coming earlier to school (7:30) in the mornings would really help her unpack in a timely fashion, come sit down with the group, and get off to a better start. Thank you for your continued support with Sherbie.
1 則留言:
估唔到早d返學都有幫助啊!! 對我來說, 是很好的提醒。
[版主回覆08/03/2013 00:27:19]係呀,你知佢地幾咁慢熱和需要每天warm up架啦~!!!