在美國暑假過後,回港、日本、泰、長隆 過一個月的休閒假期吧!
老師們建議小bie 參加以下的班和Musical Theater,可是小bie堅稱自己雖很喜歡愛音樂劇,卻真的不想perform。好吧,媽媽一定聽妳的意見、尊重妳的決定的!
morning class:
Exploring Nature:
The Rain Forest Canopy and Spice Trail Entering Grades 1–3
This course will bring our future nature loving scientists to appreciate and
care for the world around them. Students will study the Hawaiian Rain
Forests and meet and explore its indigenous critters and plants. Through
science, students will learn about the importance of ecology, nature,
preserving the rainforests and ultimately our planet. Learning spices with
tastes of hot, sweet, aromatic and bitter, students will use the history of
food and its geographical location to study culture. Be ready for a fun,
dynamic experience integrating science, geography, oral presentations and
art activities.
afternoon class:
Heroes and Tall Tales Entering Grade 1
By investigating famous American people, their character, life and actions,
students will identify and define WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A HERO. But wait...
Can animals be heroes too? Can fictitious characters be heroes too? Do you
know a hero? Come investigate, discuss, define, share, paint, create and
write about HEROES.