因為她已經學懂所有大小階字母了, 以前在Alphabet Conner的純字母poster對於她來說已經有點失去興趣了。
今天又特意開車到專賣幼教用品的Education Works。有考慮過貼上蒙特梭利砂字母板,但她年齡未適合, 未到寫字的敏感期。於是,這一套也算是清晰的一套,在字母上只有一個圖像,讓媽咪口述相關的物名。算是第一步加入點點phonics的基礎, 以圖像學習也可加深她的記憶, 同時提高她的學習興趣!
1 則留言:
Hi, not sure if you got my previous message as something on sending out.
I like your alphabet and colors decoration materials. Would you mind tell me where can i buy?
I've a son around 14 mths.
[版主回覆05/07/2010 05:01:00]sorry, this 2 stuffs are from one of a teachers' material shop. you Can try hk 教協之類?! im not too sure...