955 Kamehameha Highway, Pearl City, Hawaii 96782
This is a opening of a brand new children's garden, called "Alika Rabbit Gargen" based on the Peter Rabbit story. There are all kinds of children's activities, such as games, caterpillar & butterfly crafts, cookies & punch, and a scavenger hunt through the rest of the Children's Gardens, with a hedge maze, & a crawl through a big plant "worm tunnel".
We also recived a plant propigation kit to take home! Fun!
園內不同主題的花園, 這裡是動物花園, 所有植物形態或名字都跟動物有關。
這是: Red Cat-Tail, 又真的有幾分相像啊!
這裡有一些種植小常識, 比如, 植物需要什麼? ... 太陽...
和: 雨水...
小Bie喜歡的: 行平衡線
餵小兔子時, 小Bie再三說:
"不如我地養佢囉!" (媽咪如一的答案: "你問下爸爸啦!")