Congtr to you!!!你好嗎? 好久沒有留言,因為我都有第二個BB (boy). same as 小天 3months. 請問小天飲 which brand of milk power? He is so fat and cute. I m breast feeding right now. I try few of brand milk powder he doesnt like it... [版主回覆05/27/2010 08:26:00]恭喜晒! 湊2個B好辛苦!! 特別大B只有2歲多... 小天飲Similac的ready to use formular, (hk醫院都係用ready to use formular的) 唔洗開水, 無氣亦唔熱氣, 幫佢轉飲同牌子同line的奶粉即刻嘔了幾天, 於是都係飲返ready to use了! 唔知你地果邊有冇得賣:
Thx yr quik reply. In Singapore is using redy to use milk powder too. At that thim, i was try to Brand (Siimila) milk powder for my son but he doesnt like it. Anyway, thx you so much. Btw my bb just 6.4kg only.. anyway, wish our bb happy and healthly is the best. We both add oil. [版主回覆05/30/2010 06:00:00]powder同ready to use好唔同wor.... 你意思是說他曾飲powder不肯飲, 咁你不試下ready to use嗎?
2 則留言:
Congtr to you!!!你好嗎? 好久沒有留言,因為我都有第二個BB (boy). same as 小天 3months. 請問小天飲 which brand of milk power? He is so fat and cute. I m breast feeding right now. I try few of brand milk powder he doesnt like it...
[版主回覆05/27/2010 08:26:00]恭喜晒! 湊2個B好辛苦!! 特別大B只有2歲多...
小天飲Similac的ready to use formular, (hk醫院都係用ready to use formular的) 唔洗開水, 無氣亦唔熱氣, 幫佢轉飲同牌子同line的奶粉即刻嘔了幾天, 於是都係飲返ready to use了!
Thx yr quik reply. In Singapore is using redy to use milk powder too. At that thim, i was try to Brand (Siimila) milk powder for my son but he doesnt like it. Anyway, thx you so much.
Btw my bb just 6.4kg only.. anyway, wish our bb happy and healthly is the best.
We both add oil.
[版主回覆05/30/2010 06:00:00]powder同ready to use好唔同wor.... 你意思是說他曾飲powder不肯飲, 咁你不試下ready to use嗎?