

Little Pim 普通話 學習DVD

市面上有不少學普通話的DVD, 媽咪比較多要求, 這套算是很不錯的選擇!

難得小Bie你不嫌節奏慢、沒歌曲、沒誇張的配樂、也沒有故事情節的學習類DVD! 還說很喜歡看, 看了三兩次就跟著讀出來了!


3 則留言:

Cat 說...

Hello Bie Bie mom, this is Bernice mom.  It's such a treasure for me to come across your blog and it's very informative and interesting.  Thank you. Also, may I ask which Taiwan summer school are you heading for?  I am thinking about this option too.  Thanks a lot ;)
[版主回覆10/29/2010 02:36:00]暫時仲未知道, 只決定了住在高雄, 台灣朋友正在打聽學校的資料. 有進一步消息再update啦`

Cat 說...

thanks a lot for the info.  yes, please keep us updated ;)
[版主回覆11/04/2010 08:02:00]OK你有有用資料的話也請告知啦~

Cat 說...

thanks a lot for the info.  yes, please keep us updated ;)
