

Field Trip Friends-Tagami & Powel's Gallery & Gardens (澄3y4)

47-754 Lamaula Road, Kaneohe, HI 96744

At the Tagami & Powell Gallery & Gardens, we learn about 2 famous artists who painted and lived in this beautiful Kahaluu home. Part of the home is now an art gallery of their finest originals. We tour through the gallery, and we spend lots of time in the gardens. We explore the gardens, as well as try our own hand at painting our own masterpieces!


之前在家準備的DIY禮物盒送給KAYLA妹妹了, 你果然很開心!

你仍處理要把所有水彩混勻的階段, 或許太少讓你用色碟的關係, 要製造多些機會給你才成了!

不過, 要想, 你用其他填色工具也一樣未有一張畫上出現多種顏色的情況, 啊! 下次跟你示範畫彩虹, 看你的反應怎樣? 哈!

Kayla妹妹畫畫很投入, 不願離開。還哭起來, 你嚐試親親她哄她。

