41-225 Lupe St. Waimanalo , HI 96795
Today we visit a real Waimanalo corn farm!
We take a hay ride out to the middle of the corn patch.
We meet a farmer in real life!
We get to pick a bag full of our own corn to take home.
Just realized that fresh corn can be that yummy! Even don't let mommy to have a bite :(
... but I didn't forgot my best best friend. She have no chance to go on the farm as she was late. "Kayla, this is for you!"
Then we ride back to where they clean & bag the corn for us.
...and I always think of my dear grandma, too! Buy a whole bag of fresh corn for her!
We get to take a caterpillar out of our corn. We have caterpillar races!
偉大媽媽為你的改變... 徒手捉毛毛蟲帶回家給你放入專用的飼養籃子, 希望小小毛毛蟲有長大、真正變成蝴蝶的一天啦!
3 則留言:
親親大自然+即食栗米真係正到不得了. . 至於帶埋蟲蟲返屋企.....真偉大
[版主回覆10/26/2010 02:45:00]haha... 六條中真的有一條壯健成長, 不過係變成了一隻蛾!
奇妙~ !!!
We get to taste the New York grown corn and we have to say that the New York one is much superior to the Hawaiian one. It is juicier and sweeter. The Hawaiian corn's kernels tend to be smaller and less crunchy. Try it if you get a chance.
[版主回覆10/26/2010 02:51:00]都係新鮮摘下來的嗎? 你也有在夏威夷摘新鮮的粟米? 在那裡? new york的也是在farm? 有機會一定try try!~~
[版主回覆10/26/2010 16:06:00]HAHA... 係咩? 佢地FRIEND 到不得了~