


幾個月前已有開始給你用較剪, 現在再訂了三把給小小孩用的回來

下面紅色的一把讓初次接觸而又未能成熟地運用較剪的小朋友用, 剪口永遠自動打開, 易用! 小Bie你也頗喜歡

上面的兩把說明只能剪到手工紙, 不會剪衣服、頭髮, 而且還可以剪成花紋做手工。

當媽媽試用時連紙也剪不到, 但不知為何到你手上又能剪到? 真的專門給小朋友乎?

另外選了一盒很有趣、簡單、漂亮的小手工回來, 希望你喜歡!



對細微事物感興趣的敏感期為: 1.54


上次媽媽找來一套觀看螞蟻建tunnel、如何溝通、分工合作的觀察缸, 這次這套可以放大觀看任何小昆蟲的觀察器也甚有趣!

除了可以放大整隻小昆蟲觀看以外, 從則邊亦有放大鏡觀看小昆蟲的底部, 精彩! (其實連媽媽看都有一點毛骨悚然, 不過, 只要不把驚恐的感覺顯露出來, 應該不會令小Bie也產生恐懼吧!)

除了觀看小昆蟲, 也有觀看植物根部的玻璃瓶

可以配合我們十分喜歡的一套百科書: 理科出版社的:<第一個發現> 

這套百科書用了透明膠片的設計, 大量展示植物、地理環境、地質、地底下的小動物的生活情況等的topic, 如果親身種植過, 看過情況, 希望可以更能理解這套書的表達方式, 更易好好用這套書!

好了, 小Bie: 我們一起向小昆蟲和植物這些大自然的奇妙經驗出發囉!



一直重視小弟弟來臨對於你的情緒影響, 經過一輪"搜索"選擇了今次的幾本

喜歡真實照片和介紹不同家庭有新生兒的情況, 有的事情可能令大哥哥/姐姐不高興, 都在書中解釋了!

比如有些小朋友以為父母不愛錫哥/姐了, 小Bie你說: "就算爸媽很忙, 都永遠鍚晒澄澄!"

也有些小朋友認為小Baby太吵了, 很討厭, 媽咪解釋後,你已經明白小嬰兒什麼也不懂, 也不說話, 只會用哭來告訴我們...

你又學書中姐姐撫摸著媽媽大肚子說: "天天你凍唔凍呀? 想唔想食粟米呀?"

這本書由媽媽懷孕會遇到的情形, 產檢, 一直到生產以後都有提及

故事帶領出如何當個大姐姐, 當爸媽忙於照顧小Baby時, 姐姐可以幫什麼忙以不令自己覺得被冷落


Halloween-Treat Street(澄2y4m)

萬勝節活動已經跟你參加了不少了! 不過一年一度, 來到了正日的今晚, 吃過飯後還是跟你去玩一玩trick or treat 吧!

開開心心到了! 節目雖已近尾聲, 依然要排隊入場。

今年沒有Daddy一起來, miss daddy!

小Bie你被這兩隻大恐龍嚇得爬上媽咪的身體, 要媽媽抱著不下來...還驚恐地學大模型恐龍的嘴巴開合、開合... 


thank you!

上年你還不知道糖果是什麼, 今年一收到糖已急不以及待要馬上吃了!



萬勝節在美國算是一個很大的節日, 慶祝活動和佈置足足在一個月前已經開始!

國外流行傳統的Pumpkin Carving, 像中國人的中秋節玩燈籠一樣好玩, 媽咪也學著跟你試試看吧!

南瓜是上星期跟你一起到南瓜園摘的, 特別有意思!








用手吧! 怕污穢的你不太自然...




雖有媽媽鼓勵, 忍了一會兒, 不停嚷著要洗手...


媽媽cut了出來的眼睛, 你要玩sorting 一樣擠回去!


沒給你點candle, 用螢光棒代替吧!


完成品, 第一次的初哥算是很不錯了吧?!



Jack O' Lanterns are fun!
A well carved pumpkin will impress your friends, neighbors and best of all, you're trick-or-treaters!

Carving a pumpkin into a Jack-O'-Lantern freehand is the traditional way of doing it, is very easy and only takes a few basic tools. A large spoon or ice-cream scoop, a thin bladed knife and some newspaper will get you started.

Use care when carving

With a long, thin bladed knife, cut out the top of the pumpkin around the stem of the pumpkin. The hole should be large enough to allow you to scoop out the guts (seeds and stringy membrane) by hand and with a large spoon. Generally, the size of the hole should be about two-thirds the diameter of the pumpkin. While you can cut a round circle out, you'll find that cutting a five or six sided opening will work the best. As you cut out the top hole, angle the knife so that the lid and hole will be somewhat cone shaped. This will help prevent the lid from falling into the hole. Now you can use a large spoon to scrap the inside walls of the pumpkin clean.

Take your time

Inspect the surface of the pumpkin to decide the best side to carve you face. Now, visualizing the face you want to carve, use your knife to carefully cut out the individual parts of the face or you can pre-marked the pumpkin by using a Crayon to draw the face onto the surface of the pumpkin and cut through the lines you drew. When you are finished cutting, carefully push out the pieces to view the final results.


Make sure that you have scrapped the bottom of the pumpkin flat, so that the candle will sit level in the pumpkin. We prefer the traditional use of candles to illuminate our Jack-O'-Lanterns. A Votive candle, placed in a clear glass candle holder is safer and will actually last longer. Also, plain white candles give off the most light and will illuminate the inside of your Jack-O'-Lantern the best.

Children Discovery Center-Halloween Party(澄2y4m)

Children Discovery Center一年一度的Halloween party 非常搶手, 要預先很早購票

有daddy 跟我們一起去特別開心!