萬勝節在美國算是一個很大的節日, 慶祝活動和佈置足足在一個月前已經開始! 國外流行傳統的Pumpkin Carving, 像中國人的中秋節玩燈籠一樣好玩, 媽咪也學著跟你試試看吧! 南瓜是上星期跟你一起到南瓜園摘的, 特別有意思! 所需工具 讓媽媽畫個圖樣 小Bie負責把核子舀出來 用手吧! 怕污穢的你不太自然... 有點厭惡的表情... 雖有媽媽鼓勵, 忍了一會兒, 不停嚷著要洗手... 媽媽cut了出來的眼睛, 你要玩sorting 一樣擠回去! 沒給你點candle, 用螢光棒代替吧! 完成品, 第一次的初哥算是很不錯了吧?! | |
A well carved pumpkin will impress your friends, neighbors and best of all, you're trick-or-treaters!
Carving a pumpkin into a Jack-O'-Lantern freehand is the traditional way of doing it, is very easy and only takes a few basic tools. A large spoon or ice-cream scoop, a thin bladed knife and some newspaper will get you started.
With a long, thin bladed knife, cut out the top of the pumpkin around the stem of the pumpkin. The hole should be large enough to allow you to scoop out the guts (seeds and stringy membrane) by hand and with a large spoon. Generally, the size of the hole should be about two-thirds the diameter of the pumpkin. While you can cut a round circle out, you'll find that cutting a five or six sided opening will work the best. As you cut out the top hole, angle the knife so that the lid and hole will be somewhat cone shaped. This will help prevent the lid from falling into the hole. Now you can use a large spoon to scrap the inside walls of the pumpkin clean.
Inspect the surface of the pumpkin to decide the best side to carve you face. Now, visualizing the face you want to carve, use your knife to carefully cut out the individual parts of the face or you can pre-marked the pumpkin by using a Crayon to draw the face onto the surface of the pumpkin and cut through the lines you drew. When you are finished cutting, carefully push out the pieces to view the final results.
Make sure that you have scrapped the bottom of the pumpkin flat, so that the candle will sit level in the pumpkin. We prefer the traditional use of candles to illuminate our Jack-O'-Lanterns. A Votive candle, placed in a clear glass candle holder is safer and will actually last longer. Also, plain white candles give off the most light and will illuminate the inside of your Jack-O'-Lantern the best.