

Kindergart​en Guidance Lessons

 去完OPEN HOUSE, 爸媽驚嘆小BIE讀學校的兩位老師之創意、用心、認真與對教育之熱誠!
繼續認識這所學校, 除了學生的學業出眾外, 更用心認真的培養學生的德行, 開學不久, 校內外已經充滿了環境以下主題的手工、圖畫、標語... 
亦是一所非常重視藝術培養的學校, 學校左右銘為works as ONE TEAM, 難道真是德、智、體、群、美都能做好的一所學校?

Beginning in October, I will be visiting the kindergarten children conducting guidance lessons once a month. The kindergarten guidance program will be integrating Habits of Mind, Bucket filling, and Peacemaking Skills for Little kids. In the Peacemaking Skillsprogram, your child will have an opportunity to learn or improve upon simple, but important social skills. Some of the key phrases we will be using are:

· We listen to each other. (October)

· Hands are for helping, not hurting. (November/December)

· Cooperation/working together (January/February)

· We use I-Care Language (March/April)

· We care about each other's feelings (May)

Moral and responsible individuals who:

  • demonstrate positive values, morals and beliefs.

Effective communicators who:

  • listen objectively and critically with respect for different points of view.
  • work well with others.

As usual, I will be visiting all the classrooms to invite students to visit at recess or before and after school. Also, as needed, the following support groups are available: friendship club, bereavement, and banana splits (children of divorce).

