跟小Bie四出找白板、白板牆紙, 還沒有找到合心意的, 決定在台灣訂來白板牆紙
下次返香港, 一定要買Phonics Kingdom回來,相信兩歲以後, 可以開始教小B letter sound了.
I am also looking for 白板牆紙, can u give me more information? My email is evawinnie@gmail.com thanks a lot![版主回覆03/21/2009 21:16:00]你可以聯絡馬小姐: 31781978.
THANKS a lot and the card set is really nice![版主回覆03/26/2009 09:21:00]no problem~ you are always welcome
Hey, where did you get the animal cards? They look quite funny.[版主回覆03/27/2009 17:13:00]我喺一間書局無意中睇到, 小BIE拎住唔肯放, (因為似個手袋、並不是因為ABC )
May I know where I can buy these cards? email address : yuys01@hkbn.net.[版主回覆03/28/2009 17:49:00]你好LEMONTREE, 我o地係住美國架... 喺美國買架.
i bought 白板牆紙in HK[版主回覆03/31/2009 18:31:00]係咩? 在觀塘是嗎?
Hi, FYR. http://www.haba.de:80/Games.246.0.html Pls check the price and let me know, ok. [版主回覆04/02/2009 06:30:00]hi ginny, 都幾貴下&好多架wor! 你睇啱邊套呢? 另外, 我剛剛同緊其他hk媽咪Group order蒙特梭利教材英語萬歲&故事寶寶呀, 唔知你有冇興趣呢? 以下copy返之前reply其他mommy d內容比你參考: 整個蒙特梭利系列有分4套: 分別是: HURRAY ENGLISH 1, HURRAY ENGLISH 2, STORY BOOM BOOM 1, STORY BOOM BOOM 2. 如在HK買齊4套要$4XXXX!! 而而家$4800係喺呢4套中, 選擇任何一套 HK代理賣緊$12XXX - $15900一套, 啱啱早兩日, 幫我訂開果個媽咪說佢o地而家做緊大特價: 買任何一套:$4800, 任何二套: $9000, 三套: $12300, 四套買齊只要: $16400. 全部同hk果套一樣,有中文家長使用手冊(家長手冊好重要呢!) 以上價錢不包括太空寶寶, 不過包cd & dvd, 媽咪可以用CD同BB聽故事內容. 不過要夠10套先可以訂到返來, 真係平咗好多呢... 所以, 攪到我都好想買埋Story Boom Boom 2 呀! 如果有興趣就留言比我啦 詳細d嘅資料你除可以上代理看之外, 我有少少分享, 唔知你睇過未呢? http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-sherbie/index?l=f&id=16 得閒再分享下啦~~
Recently too busy to read this website. Sorry now I only have the interest in the ABC cards. Could you help me to buy one set of the set of animals cards. Many thanks.
7 則留言:
I am also looking for 白板牆紙, can u give me more information? My email is evawinnie@gmail.com thanks a lot!
[版主回覆03/21/2009 21:16:00]你可以聯絡馬小姐: 31781978.
THANKS a lot and the card set is really nice!
[版主回覆03/26/2009 09:21:00]no problem~ you are always welcome
Hey, where did you get the animal cards? They look quite funny.
[版主回覆03/27/2009 17:13:00]我喺一間書局無意中睇到, 小BIE拎住唔肯放, (因為似個手袋、並不是因為ABC )
May I know where I can buy these cards? email address : yuys01@hkbn.net.
[版主回覆03/28/2009 17:49:00]你好LEMONTREE,
我o地係住美國架... 喺美國買架.
i bought 白板牆紙in HK
[版主回覆03/31/2009 18:31:00]係咩? 在觀塘是嗎?
Pls check the price and let me know, ok.
[版主回覆04/02/2009 06:30:00]hi ginny,
都幾貴下&好多架wor! 你睇啱邊套呢?
另外, 我剛剛同緊其他hk媽咪Group order蒙特梭利教材英語萬歲&故事寶寶呀, 唔知你有冇興趣呢?
以下copy返之前reply其他mommy d內容比你參考:
整個蒙特梭利系列有分4套: 分別是: HURRAY ENGLISH 1, HURRAY ENGLISH 2, STORY BOOM BOOM 1, STORY BOOM BOOM 2. 如在HK買齊4套要$4XXXX!! 而而家$4800係喺呢4套中, 選擇任何一套
HK代理賣緊$12XXX - $15900一套, 啱啱早兩日, 幫我訂開果個媽咪說佢o地而家做緊大特價: 買任何一套:$4800, 任何二套: $9000, 三套: $12300, 四套買齊只要: $16400. 全部同hk果套一樣,有中文家長使用手冊(家長手冊好重要呢!) 以上價錢不包括太空寶寶, 不過包cd & dvd, 媽咪可以用CD同BB聽故事內容. 不過要夠10套先可以訂到返來, 真係平咗好多呢... 所以, 攪到我都好想買埋Story Boom Boom 2 呀! 如果有興趣就留言比我啦
詳細d嘅資料你除可以上代理看之外, 我有少少分享, 唔知你睇過未呢? http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-sherbie/index?l=f&id=16
Recently too busy to read this website. Sorry now I only have the interest in the ABC cards. Could you help me to buy one set of the set of animals cards. Many thanks.