

Beginning Reading Program (澄4y4)

由學校得知這個由非牟利機構在媽媽大學校社舉辦的READING PROGRAM, 全都是專業的老師教授的課程, 只需短短五個星期, 就能令閱讀興趣和能力提高的一個班, 考慮了我們一向多采多姿的活動安排一會兒,馬上決定了取消三個聖誕的特備節目! 報名上這個班, 每星期兩小時, 首小時由家長跟孩子一起上課, 主要讓家長學習如何跟小朋友閱讀、讀些什麼? 接下來的一小時才由孩子們(max.14人) 上堂。很想快些上堂呢!

小Bie已被評估可跳過Program R (for age 4 + & Kindergartners) 上Program 1 (for 1 st graders) 的班, 在美國, 1st grader相等於六歲孩子入讀的一年班.

Hear What Parents Have to Say

In this program, your child will learn to read independently and develop the skills, confidence, and excitement about reading that make

first grade a big success. Your child will:

  • Learn phonics
  • Learn sight words
  • Learn to read independently
  • Develop a love of books and reading

The program includes
five weeks of classroom instruction and stimulating activities led by
an experienced teacher, engaging materials that provide instruction at
home between the weekly lessons, and independent reading in some of the
most enjoyable Easy Reader books ever written. Parents attend the first
hour of each class and learn ways to support their child's reading

Phonics Skills

In this program, your child will learn the most important skill in first
grade phonics: how to blend sounds together to read words. Your child
will receive phonics instruction in each class, and will play an
exciting card game in class and at home. Phonics Power provides the repetition needed to build strong skills and confidence, and it's a lot of fun to play. As a result of playing Phonics Power, your child will head into first grade with a strong foundation in phonics.

Phonics Power

Sight Words

Sight words are the most common words your child will encounter while reading: words such as that, was, and do.
Recognizing these words automatically makes learning to read much
easier, and takes away a lot of the work of reading a book. In this
program, your child will learn sight words through in-class instruction,
and by playing an exciting card game both in class and at home. Sight Words Blast Off! is fun to play, and it builds plenty of repetition, making it easy for your child to learn each word.

Sight Words

Learning to Read Independently

this program, your child will learn to read words and sentences in
simple books. Students practice reading in wonderful books at the right
level of difficulty, and receive the support and encouragement needed to
learn to read successfully. Your child will come away from the program
excited about books and enthusiastic about learning to read.

attend the first hour of class with their child. During this time,
you'll learn ways to support your child's independent reading. You'll
also receive an individualized Book-Level Recommendation and Reading
Development Booklist, which will help you choose the best books for your
child's independent reading throughout first grade.

Your child will read five books in class, and
receive two books to keep and read at home.

Developing a Love of Reading

this program, your child will develop a love of books and reading. The
teacher will read aloud from wonderful picture books, and lead students
in enrichment activities and enjoyable comprehension-building
discussions. Children learn to identify with characters, understand
stories, anticipate events, and become more deeply engaged with books.
These activities, along with the success your child experiences with
phonics, sight words, and independent reading, will foster a love of
reading and motivate your child to learn to read independently.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub

Doctor De Soto

Madeline's Rescue

1 則留言:

Jeremy Chu Chun Yin 說...

[版主回覆11/21/2011 15:12:42]都唔係特別叻,比美國小朋友叻啫, 如果晉彥應該要跳更高, 因為這個班其實對小bie都依然有一點簡單, 不過同學已經是6-7歲的孩子, 一來看的書的內容合6-7歲, 小bie雖能讀字, 卻未必理解、有興趣故事.二來課室setting已用大學坐位,小bie很難專心, 三來老師說從未試過讓孩子跳那麼多.
