

Mid- Quarter 1 evaluation (澄5Y3)

小BIE學校每年度有4個Quarter evaluation, 在每個quarter完結的時候會安排20分鐘的私人跟家長的會議, 到時再會詳談。
今次由於是kinder剛開學, 所以學校會在quarter 1的中間再多出一份Mid- Quarter 1 的evaluation report給家長, 先得悉子女習慣、進度、表現情況。實在再次令我們感覺非常安心, 跟校方保持最緊密的接觸和溝通。再次贏得我們的信任! 實在沒有選錯校!

Personal Development:
We're off to a good start! Bie is gradually adjusting to our kindergarten program and is learning the responsibilities for the daily rountine. We are making an offort to get he to talk to us, respond when spoken to, and react and smile more frequently. We love herbeautiful smile!

After a month of school, Bie is becoming more involved. In our class discussions, your daughter can be an attentive listencer, and learning to make wise choices about where to sit and whom tosit by will minimize distractions, increase her participation, and maximize her learning. This will also help us get to know her better, Some workshop projects are more challenging for Bie at this time. She does need to listen carefully, focus on the workshop directions being given, and then get right to work. We are encouraging her to take more time on her art projects, draw with details and color neatly. As she gains experience, we know this area will improve.

Bie enjoys playing with her peers, is well liked by the other children, and understands the concept of filling other childern's buckets. We love Bie's sweet dispoition, and we are delighted when she shares her amazing background of information. She is a woderful additon to our class. We are really looking forward to watching Bie grow this year, and we're so glad she's in the classroom!
有些父母永遠只看到子女好的一面, 永遠覺得自己的子女最聰明、可愛、過份溺愛卻不自知。
我想我需要學習的是如何放大子女的優點, 不要放大做得不好的地方, 不要老是想法子去幫忙子女的不足!
為何這樣說呢?不知大家看到這REPORT感覺如何呢? 我看後則擔心佔多, 認為很多地方需要改善, 想著有沒有方法幫小BIE過渡, 很多時旁觀者清, 我就想起妹妹和自己看過的一本育兒書:<放大孩子的優點>
值得開心的也當然有很多, 全班年紀最小的小BIE的確已經做得很不錯了! 寶貝, 為妳的努力、進步而高興!

1 則留言:

我們仨加一 說...

叻女呀! 繼續加油!
[我們仨加一回覆10/31/2012 23:43:50]所以咪頭痛緊揀咩學校俾佢,又唔想對佢唔好,有好學校無理由唔入。但真的唔想給他們太大壓力。
[版主回覆10/31/2012 17:12:47]咁老實講,就算你定力夠,全班同學都考/默得好,咁你會點?由她全班最差嗎?而家競爭太大,很可怕!
[我們仨加一回覆10/31/2012 15:32:34]係超難。
[版主回覆10/31/2012 15:09:58]香港地做父母,不隨波逐流更難!!!
[我們仨加一回覆10/31/2012 14:39:59]所以我都要時時提醒自己,做父母要有定力先得,不能隨波逐流。

[版主回覆10/31/2012 09:43:53]謝謝你,我就係咁,其實都唔係唔放鬆,我成日看見孩子的不足就想法去幫助,應該放大孩子的優點才是!其實小bie全班尾二最少,所以有些事情都不能急。
[我們仨加一回覆10/31/2012 09:20:18]媽媽,放鬆D!
[版主回覆10/30/2012 02:56:48]好似麻麻地,唔係咁叻咋~謝謝你的安慰!
