

YEAST 敏感-代替品


e.g.1 teaspoon yeast = 1/2 teaspoon barking soda +1/2 teaspoon vitamin c power來代替
一定要用新鮮的baking powder,如果想測試,放入熱水中,如果有泡泡代表仍可以用。

Many baking projects require yeast, so before you begin a project you should have yeast on hand. If you have forgotten the yeast, couldn't find any or can't handle the rising price of yeast then there is anotheroption. With these few, simple steps you can make a yeast substitute for your next recipe.

  1. Assemble the ingredients. Whatever recipe you are baking that requires yeast can benefit from a substitute in a pinch but remember that for superior rising ability, yeast is preferred. For baking without yeast you only need some lemon juice and baking soda.
  2. Don't try to mix the yeast substitute alone. You could mix baking soda and lemon juice together before you begin your recipe but it won't have the effect your want. Instead gather and prepare your dry ingredients and wet ingredients as you normally would per the recipe you are using.

3 則留言:

Jeremy Chu Chun Yin 說...

好感動, 辛苦你啦. 媽媽!
[Jeremy Chu Chun Yin回覆11/11/2012 16:29:03]haha.... add oil la, anyway!
[版主回覆11/10/2012 21:08:49]只係我唔知“訂“啫!到而家先知原來唔係咁易成功,未必會有成功的一個包出現呀!!!
[Jeremy Chu Chun Yin回覆11/10/2012 19:46:21]感動位就係咁難搞的東西你都搞囉! 我最怕整呢d野架啦!!
[版主回覆11/10/2012 17:48:41]上面的方法都唔works嘅?!!
[版主回覆11/10/2012 17:48:07]有咩咁感動呀?剛整了三個bread,徹底失敗!因為冇用yeast,唉.仲要唔用dairy!真係考起我嘞!

TAMMY 說...

[版主回覆11/10/2012 17:44:15] 唉!過獎嘞~

我們仨加一 說...

[版主回覆11/11/2012 16:23:59]只有hk媽媽覺得我好勁、好偉大,美國d媽媽睇到我d嘢食整得咁失敗只有覺得我好好笑、好出奇!haha。。。
