剛知道上次為你request的班主任任教的班房要二合為一, 再三考慮, 還是硬著頭皮, 為了你, 向校長發出了第二封信...

Dear Director,
首先, 我們非常感激你為女兒bie (summer session:classroom#, fall semester: classroom#) 安排了Mrs. M為女兒下一年度的班主任! 不過, 為了女兒的分班問題,這封信我們非常不好意思地, 再有一個不情之請。
當我們知道能有像Mrs. M這位卓越的老師成為女兒班主任的時候,真的很高興! 可是,我們也剛剛知道原來Classroom# 和Classroom#是要二合為一在同一個classroom, 也即是28位同學跟4位老師一起上課、進餐、遊戲時, 我們的擔心又來了。原本應為了你的特別安排而感激萬分,實在不再好意思再有任何特別要求了!我們真的不希望為你或校方多添任何麻煩! 不過經過幾天的考慮和商量以後, 卻鼓起勇氣、決定硬著頭皮再寫一封信給校長大人你, 我們相信你會明白一眾家長為了自己的孩子而會盡最大的努力尋求最合適、最令他們安心的環境給她們愉快學習。
畢竟,未來的一年裡, 孩子在校的時間跟和家長在家相處的時間相若, 當我們知道這樣大的class size會令高度敏感的女兒極難適應的時候, 最少也算是為了她跟貴校提出, 我們明白貴校已經安排好下一年度的分班事宜, 未能再度為我們作任何特別安排也無可厚非! 不過, 我們認為在開學前提出, 就算未能轉班, 起碼以後也不會有所後悔。
根據上一封信給你的attachment, 相信你已對高度敏感略知一二, bie是一位極度容易over stimulate的孩子, 根據過往的經驗, 她的舊學校正正是將兩個classroom二合為一, 也正正是28位同學加四位老師的class size, 過往一年bie未有跟任何同學、老師說話、未有好好睡午睡、甚至於吃早餐、午餐的時候也經常呆望著周遭"嘈雜"(對於她而言) 的環境和同學而不能進食, 而且老師也時常告訴我們, 她在班上circle time的時候, 經常看著(observe) 另一班的circle time, 完全不能集中精神, 身為父母, 我們為女兒每天上學的這個情況擔心和痛心! 我們相信, 這是由於她more easily overwhelmed by "high volume" or large quantities of input arriving at once. Highly Sensitive Child try to avoid this, and thus seem to be shy or timid or "party poopers." When they cannot avoid overstimulation, they seem "easily upset" and "too sensitive." 而class size也是我們為她安排轉校的其中一個很重要的原因! 一位好老師和一個合適的學習環境(class size) 對我們而言, 都是很重要的考慮因素, 不過如果要二擇其一, 我們還是希望小女能有較少的class size, 因為我們相信, 貴校的每一位老師, 都必定能provide a save, comfortable and dynamic learning environment.
所以, 務請再次原諒我們似是很過份的要求! 請再三接受我們衷心的道歉: 我們的確為你多添了很多麻煩, 對不起!
最後,我們深深明白新學期在即, 校方已經安排好分班和orientation, 亦已經發信通知各家長。如果最後未能再作任何變動,我們很明白也會很樂意的接受,請不要猶豫告訴我們。
Sincerely Yours,
Dear Director,
First of all, we want to thank you for fulfilling our request regarding our daughter, bie (summer session: classroom #, fall semester: classroom #) by assigning bie to be in Mrs. M's class again. However, with much regret we found that we must write you this letter to make another request.
We were delighted when we found that Mrs. M will once again be bie’s teacher. However, our celebration was cut short when we learned that Classroom # and Classroom # will be using the same classroom, meaning that there are going to be 28 children with 4 teachers learn, eat, and play together. We became worried. Please understand that we’re really grateful to what you have done for bie and it is very embarrassing to having to make another special request like this since we don’t want to give you unnecessary troubles. It’s after much thought and debate that we muster up this boldness to write to you again regarding this matter. We believe that you’ll understand that it’s every parent’s wish to provide the most comfortable and most peaceful learning environment for their children. After all, bie will be spending approximately the same amount of time in school as with us at home for a year and we know that bie, being a Highly Sensitive Child, will have a hard time adjusting to a large class size. We do realize that the school is pretty much with planning next year’s classroom assignments so we won’t complain even if this request was not granted. We thought we’d give it a try anyway so that there’s no regret on our part.
As you know from the attachment of our last letter, bie is highly sensitive and gets overly stimulated very easily. In fact, the class size of her old school was 28 children plus 4 teachers! For a year bie didn’t have a real conversation with her classmates, her teachers, never had a good nap time. Even during breakfast and lunch time she would just stare at other people because of the commotion around her. The teachers often told us that, during circle times bie would just “observe” the other class, completely distracted. As parents, it was painful to see that happen and we were very worried. We believe that it’s because she’s more easily overwhelmed by "high volume" or large quantities of input arriving at once. Highly Sensitive Child try to avoid this, and thus seem to be shy or timid or "party poopers." When they cannot avoid over-stimulation, they seem "easily upset" and "too sensitive." One of the reason why we changed school is we want a smaller class size for bie. If we had to choose between having a great teacher and a smaller class size, we’ll go for a smaller class size because we believe that every teacher in your school is well capable of providing a save, comfortable, and dynamic learning environment.
Please forgive our seemingly incessant requests. You have our apologies. We really are giving you hard times. We’re very sorry.
Again, we realize that the new semester is about to start and the school had already made classroom assignments and sent out letters to parents. Please rest assured that we will accept the current arrangement if nothing could be done. Please don’t hesitate to let us know.
We want to thank you for your precious time and understanding! Please enjoy your summer vacation!
Sincerely Yours,
以下引用自: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!lVSRdNOeHxm1RY5NJcqHB0y.Gg--/article?mid=11173
<<幼稚園定終身 - 林行止專欄>>
六位經濟學家(四名哈佛,柏克萊及西北大學各一)周二在哈佛學術會議上宣讀了一篇長達五十四頁的論文:〈幼稚園教室如何影響你的賺錢能力?〉(〈How does your Kindergarten Classroom Affect Your Earning?〉),通過對田納西州一項稱為「星規劃」(Project Star)的分析,他們得出就讀有優良師資的小班幼稚園(下稱「一流」)學生,未來的賺錢能力比就讀師資較差及大班的學生高!這種「發現」,引起傳媒及學界重視,皆因這是第一份把教育與收入直接掛鈎的學術論文!
學生間的互相影響(peer effects)極之重要,這等於說收費較昂的幼稚園學生,都來自背景相近如中產(專業)家庭,他們尤其是家長也許互相「比拚」,但大體是向上向好,總比受那些來自低下階層家庭的同學的「壞」影響為佳