等了足足半年的新款雙坐位Baby Jogger City Select系列bb車, 終於可以上場了!
第一次吃旋轉壽司... "我來, 我自己來!"
吃甜品嗎? 我又要自己來!
2 則留言:
Hello! I am looking for a Baby Jogger City select for my 3.5 and 2 yr old toddlers and i got the search to your blog from yahoo, hope you don't mind :) would you sugeest if the seats will be too small for them?.. So difficult to decide as nowhere we can try it out before purchasing in Hong Kong... My another choice is Joovy Ergo Caboose. Thank you very much :) [版主回覆02/09/2012 14:44:36]你打算用上3-4年? 那大兒子不就6-7歲了嗎?! 如果只是用來隨便坐一下, 其實這車的"鋼水"非常堅固! 後期我索性不安裝第二張椅給小bie的時候她可以很舒適地坐在前面的柜柜就可以了! 小bie最終沒有跟隨Suzuki方法, 因為總擔心將來她會習慣了記譜而在看譜方面做不好. 所以還是選擇了現在的老師, 英國皇室的教法和考試制度, 課程中也有加強聽力和認音, 不過當然跟suzuki還有很大距離. [Stephanie回覆02/09/2012 11:25:09]澄天mama ~ Thanks for your reply!! it is soo useful :) you are right, it is a good chance to train my boy to walk and in fact that he loves to walk but always gets tired on the way back while our younger one has already fallen asleep in the pram :( so we wanna get one for travelling and long walks over the weekend like 城門水塘is one of their favourite places :) i absoutely agree with you!! it is oh so expensive and rain cover is not included!!! but i m sure we will be suing it for at least 3 to 4 years (hopefully!) Btw, my elder son is also doing the Suzuki violin with Nishizaki Sansei. it was a bit difficult at the beginner as he was only 3 but we both enjoy so much now and i treasure the time practising with him :) how is your daughter doing with the suzuki program? my younger one used to go to the Suzuki music academy in Wan Chai but we have nowhere to go after the teacher left... so still looking for something... anyway thanks again and talk to you soon :) [版主回覆02/09/2012 02:54:53]我們當時最主要是用來其中一次去旅行, 當時小bie剛滿4歲, 其實其他時間我已經在3.5歲train她自己走路, 如果你是在hk使用, 街道又小, 樓梯又多, 這車真的很巨型!!! 而且非常重, 價錢又貴, 要再三考慮囉~ 而且3.5歲是訓練小朋友獨立的好時機嘞^^ 不過, 如果你問會不會太小, 答案是不會的, 空間夠大, 視乎你打算用`多久? 如果4歲開始, 睡覺時應該有點不夠長的感覺了, 但如果是坐的話, 應該沒問題! hope this help~
2 則留言:
Hello! I am looking for a Baby Jogger City select for my 3.5 and 2 yr old toddlers and i got the search to your blog from yahoo, hope you don't mind :) would you sugeest if the seats will be too small for them?.. So difficult to decide as nowhere we can try it out before purchasing in Hong Kong... My another choice is Joovy Ergo Caboose.
Thank you very much :)
[版主回覆02/09/2012 14:44:36]你打算用上3-4年? 那大兒子不就6-7歲了嗎?!
如果只是用來隨便坐一下, 其實這車的"鋼水"非常堅固! 後期我索性不安裝第二張椅給小bie的時候她可以很舒適地坐在前面的柜柜就可以了!
小bie最終沒有跟隨Suzuki方法, 因為總擔心將來她會習慣了記譜而在看譜方面做不好. 所以還是選擇了現在的老師, 英國皇室的教法和考試制度, 課程中也有加強聽力和認音, 不過當然跟suzuki還有很大距離.
[Stephanie回覆02/09/2012 11:25:09]澄天mama ~ Thanks for your reply!! it is soo useful :)
you are right, it is a good chance to train my boy to walk and in fact that he loves to walk but always gets tired on the way back while our younger one has already fallen asleep in the pram :( so we wanna get one for travelling and long walks over the weekend like 城門水塘is one of their favourite places :) i absoutely agree with you!! it is oh so expensive and rain cover is not included!!! but i m sure we will be suing it for at least 3 to 4 years (hopefully!)
Btw, my elder son is also doing the Suzuki violin with Nishizaki Sansei. it was a bit difficult at the beginner as he was only 3 but we both enjoy so much now and i treasure the time practising with him :) how is your daughter doing with the suzuki program? my younger one used to go to the Suzuki music academy in Wan Chai but we have nowhere to go after the teacher left... so still looking for something... anyway thanks again and talk to you soon :)
[版主回覆02/09/2012 02:54:53]我們當時最主要是用來其中一次去旅行, 當時小bie剛滿4歲, 其實其他時間我已經在3.5歲train她自己走路, 如果你是在hk使用, 街道又小, 樓梯又多, 這車真的很巨型!!! 而且非常重, 價錢又貴, 要再三考慮囉~ 而且3.5歲是訓練小朋友獨立的好時機嘞^^
不過, 如果你問會不會太小, 答案是不會的, 空間夠大, 視乎你打算用`多久? 如果4歲開始, 睡覺時應該有點不夠長的感覺了, 但如果是坐的話, 應該沒問題!
hope this help~
已在eBay 買了!很心急 希望快些收到:)小提琴老師也有提及這一點,所以她的課程也包括了睇譜,ryan現在也要做5線譜練習。你現在住在美國嗎?so nice to meet you:)