

十大推介好書by Read To Me International

十大好書推介for三歲preschooler, 部份家中已擁有, 家裡部份為中文版, 其他內容簡易有趣、富童真, 下次為一定要跟小BIE一起去圖書館借來看!

Preschool Reading List

From Head to Toe Board Book
From Head to Toe
by Eric Carle



Glad Monster, Sad Monster
Glad Monster, Sad Monster
by Anne Miranda



I Like Me! (Picture Puffins)
I Like Me
by Nancy L. Carlson



It Looked Like Spilt Milk
It Looked Like Spilt Milk
by Charles G. Shaw



Julius, the Baby of the World
Julius, the Baby of the World
by Kevin Henkes



The Kissing Hand
The Kissing Hand
by Audrey Penn



The Lady with the Alligator Purse
The Lady with the Alligator Purse
by Nadine Bernard Westcott



No, David!
No, David!
by David Shannon



Where the Wild Things Are
Where the Wild Things Are
by Maurice Sendak



The Wolf's Chicken Stew
The Wolf's Chicken Stew
by Keiko Kasza

其他年紀推介書籍: source from:

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1 則留言:

CuiBi 說...

where did u got your books in chinese? online? can u give me the site? thanks!
[版主回覆08/27/2010 16:32:00]我們在台灣買, 你可以上
From Head to Toe  
The Kissing Hand  (魔法親親)
Where the Wild Things Are
