Dear Director xxx ,
首先, 很想興奮地告訴你, 我們為女兒BIE 能入讀xxx 而興奮雀躍了一整個summer! 因為, 在這所新學校的每天, 我們都明顯地見到她的進步! 原來一間合適的學校、上課模式和老師是這麼重要! 衷心在此多謝你們提供這樣一個理想的學習環境給孩子!
Bie一出世就是一位高度敏感兒童 Highly Sensitive Child, (please see attachment: 她非常聰敏、警覺性高, 可是一般情況下都需要特別長的時間適應新事物。待她觀察久了,洞悉一切安好和feel secure後, 她才會表現放鬆和開心! 現在我們明白了原來一位合適的老師可以大大幫助她快速地適應過來!
Bie過去的一年在城中另一間口碑也很好的學校就讀, 她的班主任也是一位非常豐經驗的老師。 只不過, 在過去的一年內, 她從來沒有跟老師、同學打招呼、也不喜歡說話、兩個學期午睡沒有超過十次! 回家亦從不提起學校的任何事情 。我們一直以為只是由於她的性格, 直至轉到xxx 遇上Mrs. xxx, 奇蹟就發生了! 第一天放學的時候她就非常開心地擁抱Mrs.xxx說:bye, 第二天她就在Mrs. xxx的安撫下火速睡著了。往後的日子,她每天都跟我們分享上課的趣事, 我們一家上下都覺得她開朗了很多, 十分愛上學。做父母最開心的, 莫過於知道孩子能夠每天開心愉快學習!
Summer Session完結了, 我們明白理應不能選擇老師, 但如果在不太引起太多麻煩的情況下, 校方如能再安排Mrs.xxx在下一年度能當Bie的老師的話, 我們將感激萬分! 我們也明白讓孩子多適應不同的老師可能對她更好, 不過覺得如能確保在第一年最重要的早期教育裡, 能有一個好開始的話,將對她未來發展大有幫助。所以希望校方能破例安排一下。
無論怎樣, 承蒙校方和兩位老師在Summer session時的照顧下, Bie已經有了一個很好的開始。 再次衷心道謝!
Your Sincerely,
_______________________________________Dear Director xxx,
First of all, we were overjoyed the whole summer knowing that our daughter, Bie, was accepted by xxx because of we noticed the fine progress she made each day in her new school. Now we realize the importance of having a suitable school, a suitable class size and activities, and a great teacher. We really want to thank you for providing such ideal environment for learning.
Ever since she was born, Bie has been a Highly Sensitive Child. (Please see attachment) She’s smart, conscientious but cautious in new situations, easily alerted and usually has to take extra long time to “fit in”. She would relax and shows that she’s happy only after an extended period of observation to make sure everything is “safe and secure”. Now we realize that a suitable teacher can greatly help her to go through this transitional period quickly and happily!
Bie attended another well-known school in town. Her teacher there was very experienced. However, she was very quiet. Even never just say “hi”, “thank you” or “bye” to her teacher, her classmates for the whole past year. I can count the times she took naps in school with my fingers for two semesters. She never talked about school at home. We all thought that it’s just the way she is and that’s her personality until she met Mrs. Moats at Central Union. The very first day she went to xxx she happily said “bye” to Mrs. xxx and gave her a hug. The next day she quickly fell asleep during naptime with some help from Mrs. xxx. After that she would share with us what happened in school and we can see that she’s getting happier everyday and really love going to school. There’s nothing that can bring more joy to parents than knowing that your child is enjoying herself in school everyday.
Now that the Summer Session has concluded we would like to request, if it’s not too much trouble, that Bie can continue to be in Mrs. xxx’s class next year. We understand that having different teachers can have a positive impact on a child but we feel that Bie will benefit even more by having a great start in her first year of early education. We’ll appreciate it if such an exception could be made.
In any case, we want to thank the school, as well as Bie’s two teachers for looking after her during the Summer Session. Bie has had an excellent time in school already. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you!
Thank you for your understanding and your precious time.
Sincerely Yours,