


最近在選購蒙特梭利教具, 考慮是否買蒙氏的一百板, 最後還是選了這套

我想這是我見過市面上最好、最多樣的一套100 board了!

板前後刻有1-100或空白空位, 整塊小數字粒粒可以牢固放入空位內

配合付有的兩種色板, 可以伸延玩數字關係! 無論單雙數、斤乘數表的關係都可以玩!


5 則留言:

Fanny 說...

This 1-100 board is really good. May I know where you bought it and could you please send me the link? Million thanks!
[版主回覆09/30/2010 14:51:00] with extra shipping charges to hk.

Jeremy Chu Chun Yin 說...

very good! better than Kumon's maths board!
[版主回覆09/30/2010 14:53:00]係呀, 呢套好好多~~~~

Jeremy Chu Chun Yin 說...

very good! better than Kumon's maths board!

Zoe Chow 說...

[版主回覆09/30/2010 14:54:00]真係唔錯, 不過小bie暫時麻麻地, 收起了等在日常生活中同佢數多d數先再玩吧...

Fanny 說...

hi, Sherbie ma, wanna to know if this is from Carson-Dellosa Publishing and costs around $15? I  suspect whether this set I found is the same as yours as I can't see the red and blue transparent clips from the product photo and description. Thanks in advance!
[版主回覆10/24/2010 02:21:00]
