小Bie看敏感醫生時閱讀了一本很吸引的雜誌 (YOUR BIG BACKYARD- for age 3-5歲) (下面介紹的第二本) 一幅幅精彩絕淪、栩栩如生的小動物、昆蟲大特寫、比如蜈蚣吃老鼠、蝗蟲、青蛙吃蚊子之類的大特寫, 連媽媽也被吸引了! 個人認人, 照片比National Geographic Little Kids 還來得精彩呢!
第二次覆診, 小Bie一進門就不停嚷著要看上次的雜誌, 可見這本雜誌對她而言真的印象深刻!
打開內頁, 有訂閱的優惠咭, 回家再查一下資料, 果然廣受父母的讚賞, 好評不絕, 而且還找到了如果訂閱一年, 可以平了一半的優惠!
好吧, 一口氣連硬咭書幼兒版也訂回來給小弟弟看呢!
YOUR BIG BACKYARD (for age 12mos-4yr old) : http://www.nwf.org/Kids/Your-Big-Backyard.aspx
WILD ANIMAL BABY: (for 3-5yrs old):
官網寄國際價錢分別是每套: us$27/yr
也可以在這search其他網站的訂閱優惠: http://www.magazinepricesearch.com/detail/yourbigbackyard.html
(我在此search到價錢平一半的優惠呢! 不過寄國際的話, 他們比官網貴, 有時間的話,可以慢慢比較一下)
Wild Baby Animal (1-4歲)
About Wild Animal Baby: Designed especially for children aged 12 months to 4 years, Wild Animal Baby makes reading and learning fun and enjoyable for children and parents alike. Each issue of Wild Animal Baby includes Wonderful animal photos, short picture stories, fun activities, rhymes and stories for a delightful interactive learning adventure. Plus, Wild Animal Baby is non-toxic and safe for toddlers. Purchasing this magazine entitles you to 1 free gift(s). Wild Animal Baby is the award-winning nature magazine for kids ages 1 to 4! Wild Animal baby delights children and their parents with charming animal photos, short picture stories, rhymes and activities that make early learning wonderfully fun. Every issue teaches little ones numbers, letters, shapes, opposites, motor skils and more! |
Your Big Backyard (3-5歲)
Spring 2009 MagazinesReview:
Your Big Backyard brings the big world of nature and wildlife right to a child's backyard. With charming, full-color photos and imaginative, illustrated read-to-me stories, kids can see and experience outdoor life up close. Features ask questions and give answers to such common queries as "why do ducks have webbed feet?" or "where do fireflies go in winter?" The interactive text prompts discussion and active learning. Fun crafts and nature projects are geared for family fun. While the magazine is for ages three to seven, there is something of interest for all ages. An added bonus: there are links to websites within the articles for additional games, facts and activities. Gillian McCallion ©2009 Parents' Choice
Gillian began her career as a journalist in her native Scotland. After moving to the US in 1999, she chose to pursue a long-standing fascination with design, ultimately training as a graphic designer at the Maryland Institute College of Art. Gillian now combines working part-time as a designer for a non-profit organization in Baltimore with raising young children.
1 則留言:
[版主回覆08/16/2010 05:42:00]係呀,問返佢地先最清楚, 我不是跟官網訂.^^