What a beautiful day! Again, thank you very much for all the information you gave me the other day. Will check them one by one. Sharing is fun[版主回覆04/26/2011 04:43:00]係呀, 美好一天唔係時時發生, 小bie好容易起身發脾氣架. 唔洗客氣wor~
同瞓得唔夠或者瞓得唔好有無關呢? 有啲小朋友唔夠瞓或者好眼瞓時會易扭計或發脾氣. 所以weekdays我點都要個大仔nap, 細仔就會自動自覺nap.[版主回覆04/28/2011 07:24:00]你大仔幾歲話? 好大架嘞wor我記得?!! 唔係4歲就有d小朋友戒nap架嘞咩? 我兩隻馬騮好難入睡... 小bie唔夠瞓又易發脾四...
2 則留言:
What a beautiful day! Again, thank you very much for all the information you gave me the other day. Will check them one by one. Sharing is fun
[版主回覆04/26/2011 04:43:00]係呀, 美好一天唔係時時發生, 小bie好容易起身發脾氣架. 唔洗客氣wor~
同瞓得唔夠或者瞓得唔好有無關呢? 有啲小朋友唔夠瞓或者好眼瞓時會易扭計或發脾氣. 所以weekdays我點都要個大仔nap, 細仔就會自動自覺nap.
[版主回覆04/28/2011 07:24:00]你大仔幾歲話? 好大架嘞wor我記得?!! 唔係4歲就有d小朋友戒nap架嘞咩? 我兩隻馬騮好難入睡... 小bie唔夠瞓又易發脾四...