

Reef Walk (澄3y10m)

家庭配合學校的教育將得到很好的效果, 這一年學校的主題是: Ocean, 小BIE學到太多有關海洋的一切, 包括火山爆發和一切海洋生物。

今天晚上媽咪報名參加了私人機構舉辦的Reefwalk, 來到了搜尋海洋生物, fun!



星期五晚上都有煙花在Ala Moana 發放

是夜, 我們看見的海洋生物有: 蟹、八爪魚、Pepipi、魚、蝦...

DRAW-WHAT-YOU-SEE 時間: 小BIE又進步多了, 差不多把兩個小時的Reefwalk所見全部用畫筆記錄下來, 令媽咪實在太喜出望外:

海洋原本是藍色的, 為晚上的海洋再抺上黑色的一層
海洋生物:八爪魚連吸盤都畫出來了! 還有珊瑚、sea snail、蟹、魚、蝦...
藍色的夜空下, 五彩繽紛的煙花
(當你說要畫的時候, 以為你一定會叫媽媽教妳畫, 猜不到第一次畫煙花的時候竟能表達得那麼燦爛! )
中間有勁的直線原來是:大浪。是夜時有大浪湧至, 眾人大叫: "big wave!"
最後, 連工具: 魚網和電筒都記錄了! 電筒的光也完全是由妳自己的手法表達出來。
整幅畫媽咪沒有引導妳要怎畫, 你的進步非常明顯, 真的太令媽咪驚喜啊!

畫畫以後, 都由妳說故事絡媽咪聽, 明天上學再站出來跟班上所有同學分享!

New to Hawai'i? Just visiting? Or have you lived here all your life but
you can never find any critters on the reef? Come with us on a guided
reef walk. We will find animals that you thought were never even there!

Explore Hawai'i's amazing tide pools and shallow reefs
in a safe and family friendly way. Wading in knee deep water, our
experienced naturalists and marine biologists will unlock the hidden
secrets of our beautiful coastline and will show you critters you never
thought existed.

Two hour reef walk programs are tide and weather
dependent. Location may vary per date.

Program includes:

  • Safe reef walking in knee deep water
  • Rentals of reef walking shoes and flashlights for a
    small fee
  • Information on safe and responsible reef walking
  • An eco-tour experience you will not soon forget!

Animals caught during a reef walk will be
returned to their natural habitat. Our reef walks are suitable for kids 4
years old and up.

1 則留言:

Souffle 說...

好喜歡呢啲接觸大自然嘅活動. Really nice!
[版主回覆04/28/2011 07:22:00]相信你們的戶外活動機會都很多, 我們慶幸自己這方面比香港人幸福得多了~~
