wa....so cheap ah! love the price!......but don't know how to order from taobao?!........JJ, do u think u can order it for me? I can pay u back after! or should i order this one: http://www.amazon.com/Tedco-20400-Blocks-Marbles-Super/dp/B000FGKI2O what do u think???
ho ar! i don't mind waiting la.....u can order it whenever you placing an order, when is your next order ar? let me know if you found something good! btw, how much is the marble set included shipping? [版主回覆01/15/2011 11:09:00]donno how much ?! u can use the rate i told u to culcalate the shipping charges. see here: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/biebiema/searchblog_art?p=%E6%B7%98%E5%AF%B6&my=1
7 則留言:
我都想過買, 又係驚阿仔無耐性玩唔敢買啦, 看來可認真考慮下了。
[版主回覆12/01/2010 16:03:00]試下啦, 又平, 幾十蚊, 訓練下d專注力, 可能好似我咁有意外收穫呢?!
吓, 唔係啩, 幾十蚊? 美金是吧!? 我見過香港好簡單的得幾舊的都要百幾200港元噃。 在那兒買的?
[版主回覆12/03/2010 11:16:00]幾十蚊人仔, 你留私人留言比我啦~~
[版主回覆12/03/2010 19:47:00](Empty)
這套是在那兒買啊, 好正呀, 我想找好耐, thanks~
[版主回覆01/05/2011 15:27:00]私人留言pls
wa....so cheap ah! love the price!......but don't know how to order from taobao?!........JJ, do u think u can order it for me? I can pay u back after! or should i order this one: http://www.amazon.com/Tedco-20400-Blocks-Marbles-Super/dp/B000FGKI2O what do u think???
[版主回覆01/14/2011 18:14:00]質量麻麻地咋, 小洞洞裡有D木刺, 不過佢地手仔唔會特登挖都冇事嘅, 可接受咁啦, 你自己考慮一下 老實講, 又唔係真係非常好玩嘅... 買平平地, 第時唔玩都ok, 咁多好嘢! haha... 如果你唔介意買船, 我可以幫你買呀! 郵局話要1-3個月先到, 不過通常1個月左右到架嘞! 你可以一次過選好有冇其他嘢想買, 仲有書啦! (我最最最...中意買架嘞! haha) then 寄過來, 我通常係咁, 因為就算船, shipping都唔太平 85元1st kg, 25元續重. let me know!
ho ar! i don't mind waiting la.....u can order it whenever you placing an order, when is your next order ar? let me know if you found something good! btw, how much is the marble set included shipping?
[版主回覆01/15/2011 11:09:00]donno how much ?! u can use the rate i told u to culcalate the shipping charges. see here: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/biebiema/searchblog_art?p=%E6%B7%98%E5%AF%B6&my=1
我都買咗比個仔(佢3歲1個月),但佢唔多識砌 你女女自己砌到幾多呢?
[版主回覆04/12/2011 18:03:00]佢努力砌到好多, 不過當然要家姐協助, 好多時都設計了一些錯誤的軌道出來, 不過告知後, 佢自己小心翼翼完成.