Mommy & Lauren's mom read an ocean book to the children. Both had the same book however one was written in Chinese and the other in English. Mommy read a page from the Chinese book in Cantonese, and then Lauren's mom would read the same
page with the English version.
It is a beautiful book, the English version is leave in the science center. Lauren's mommy also brought snack
for your classmates.
Stayed to help with the Spring Event bunny hats. Each child selected the color ears they wanted, drew their bunny ears, glued them to the headband, and added glitter of their choice. They will
be very cute for the Spring Event.
We also had music with Ms. Butin.
媽咪到訪的每一次, 差不多都選你出來教小朋友讀日子、唱歌仔...
由英國訂來英文版本的<第一個發現> 叢書, 而中文版是小Bie一直以來最喜歡的科普書, 媽咪決定在台灣訂購整套50本的英文版本回來給你們!
Bie跟Lauren是班上唯一的兩位非英語為母語的孩子, 這樣大大提高她們對自己的民族意識, 同學們都聽中文、學講她們的語言, 另她們感到自豪!
好幾位小朋友都羨慕地問:"how do you know Chinese? " 而老師則回答同學, Bie在家學兩種語言, 所以是非常難的! 就這, 可能已幫助提高不少妳的self esteem了!