Equine 808 Horse Ranch
in Kunia
Today we tour a real horse ranch and visit the horsies! :)
This ranch is a horse rescue ranch, so we hear about how the horses got there and have been rehabilitated. There are some heart-warming stories! We get to feed them & even ride ponies - parents too! FUN!!
There is also a small petting zoo with bunnies, chickens, & a guinney pig! YEEHAW!
draw what you see 時間
1 則留言:
小 Bie 媽, 好耐都冇留言啦, 不過我一路都有睇你個 blog 架~ 見到小 Bie 成日都可以有咁多課外活動, 真係好羡慕呢~~個篇文係咪佢自己寫架? 好叻叻, 幫我比佢 very good chop 佢啦, haha~
[版主回覆03/29/2011 03:01:00]jema, 太可憐了, 你好耐冇留言特登留言即係你覺得好呢篇blog特別...?! 個very good chop係比我嘅, 因為係我寫嘅 你已經係第2個人說是小bie寫架嘞... 因為佢一路講我要一路寫得好快, 仲有係我d字真係有d似3歲小朋友!!!