After reading your comments on Preschool Prep series, I've bought a board book + DVD set from amazon. After more than 2-month waiting, I've finally received the package this week. In the past, my daughter was not very interested in 'shapes' but after watching the DVD (just for 5 minutes) and reading the book, she started digging out the shape sorter and 'shape cards' to play , thanks for your recommendations :) [版主回覆04/19/2009 10:27:00]evawinnie, 你中意就最好嘞!唔洗客氣, 我都驚有媽媽,包括自己都唔中意比bb睇咁多dvd, 但呢套dvd真係好有佢嘅魔力! 而且清晰簡潔! 一句對白都無! 真正好的教育dvd! 最重要係只要睇好短時間, 就可以引起bb興趣同父母一齊睇配套的書! 我剛買咗成set "sight words"dvd, flash card, +成個系列的顏色書比bb, 覺得好過買一般的填顏書囉! 當如比佢溫下書.... (...市儈、現實的媽媽... )
1 則留言:
After reading your comments on Preschool Prep series, I've bought a board book + DVD set from amazon. After more than 2-month waiting, I've finally received the package this week. In the past, my daughter was not very interested in 'shapes' but after watching the DVD (just for 5 minutes) and reading the book, she started digging out the shape sorter and 'shape cards' to play , thanks for your recommendations :)
[版主回覆04/19/2009 10:27:00]evawinnie,
你中意就最好嘞!唔洗客氣, 我都驚有媽媽,包括自己都唔中意比bb睇咁多dvd, 但呢套dvd真係好有佢嘅魔力! 而且清晰簡潔! 一句對白都無! 真正好的教育dvd!
最重要係只要睇好短時間, 就可以引起bb興趣同父母一齊睇配套的書!
我剛買咗成set "sight words"dvd, flash card, +成個系列的顏色書比bb, 覺得好過買一般的填顏書囉! 當如比佢溫下書.... (...市儈、現實的媽媽... )